


Kerries Loughborough

Puppies expected 2022

Our Kerries in the Present


 Loughborough Suite Samual (Sem) German Young Ch (VDH/KfT) Club Young Winner 2019   b. 01.04.2018 O.A. Esterkin;

Loughborough Suite Sybille   b. 01.04.2018  O.Maria Soltan (Polen) 

 Loughborough Suite Ronda (Elli) German Ch (VDH) Club Winner 2019, Bundessieger 2018   b. 10.06.2016 O. Jana Mareceva (Czech Republic)  

Loughborough Suite Ronny Irwing German Ch. (VDH)  b. 16.06.2016 O. Ekaterina Radkevich.Knyzuk 

Loughborough Suite Rita (Paula) VDH "Dog of the Year" 2019   b. 0.06.2016  O. Hans Möller

Loughborough Suite Ranway Ywe,Young German Ch (VDH/KFT), German Ch (VDH/KFT)  b. 16.10.2016 O. Ursula und Gert Gauder

  Switzerland Ch. Loughborough Lara (pedigree), b. 05.08. 2014 Owner: Marianne Riß Switzerland

 Young World Winner 2014, Vice Worls Winner 2016, Turkey Young Winner, Russia Young Ch. Russia, Ch of Luxemburg, Int Ch,  Ch TR, Europasieger 2017, Austria Club Winner 2017 -. Loughborough Luthar (pedigree), b. 06.08.2013 O.Lubov Koöosova &  Irina Mosyeva, Ekaterinburg, Russia 

Klub Sieger and BOB Germany 2014, 2015, 2017 Bundesyoungsieger Austria, Europasieger 2016, Bundessieger Austria 2015, German Ch (VDH/KfT) Ch CH, Int Ch, Ch Austria, Lux Ch -  Loughborough Leroy  (pedigree), b. 06.08.2013 O.Tanja & Rainer Sonnenschein 

Young German Ch (VDH/KFT) ,Young Lux Ch, Bundesjugendsieger 2011, CH Young Ch, German, Lux, Ch, Int  Ch; German Club Sieger 2015, Europasieger 2015, Austrian Ch  -  Loughborough Chantal (pedigree), b. 10.01.2011

 Loughborough Chap (pedigree), b. 10.01.2011 O.Karl Roleder

Loughborough Chanel  (pedigree), b. 10.01.2011 O. Camilla Berger 

Young German & CH Ch, Int Ch, German Ch,CH Ch, Lux Ch, Loughborough Nougat (pedigree), b. 06.10.2009 Co-owner with Doris & Steffen Kapferer

Nougats brother - Loughborough Nash (Tony) (pedigree), b. 06.10.2009 Co-owner with Almut Krause

Int., Germany, Austrian, Switzerland Champion Loughborough Dalia (pedigree), b. 24.06.2006

Int., Germany, Luxemburg, Switzerland Champion Loughborough Lancaster Evdokia, b. 12.04.2002 Owner Jeannette Hehl

Loughborough Artis Gringole - Jenja (pedigree),25.06.1998-04.09.2010

Dorset Glaschka (pedigree), 11.07.1995 – 08.12.2003
and in the past RUSSIA

Next Know How 1988 – 1992
(Sire: Double Trouble of Blue Curacao, Dam: Grey-Vi den Nurdiska Slekten)

Grey-Vi den Nurdiska Slekten 1980 – 1994
(Sire: Agent, Dam: Dolly )

Domby Ugrochedy 1975 – 1990
(Sire: Ugrochedy Blacl, Dam: Beby-Bamy)