


Kerries in Germany

In 1998 in German „Terrier“ magazine has been published the article „20 Years of Kerry Blue Terrier in Germany“ – very complete and professional done overview about breeding and development of Kerries in the time from 1978 till 1998. This time was very successful for the Germans breeder. The author, Mr. Horst Herbertz, has keeped the statistics about Kerries and other Terriers for German Terrier Club and was a good friend of many German breeders.

Meanwhile this Terrier-booklet has become a rarity and pity, that it has not been translated into English. Well, the shot resume help us to make a bridge to the time now.

Mr. Herbertz writes, that the first Kerry or, as they have been called at that time, Irish blue Terrier under Nr.1 has been registered in German special books in Year 1928. His article described in detail the time from the end of 70 th, because at that time many people have started with Kerry breed and 20 years later were still active and the information was actual for the reader.

When you read this text ,You can get the impresseion, that this time was the gold time for German Kerry breeders. It was really so, and the import from USA and the best English blood lines has brought the breed in German on the highest standard.

It is enough to mention such a famous names as Mrs. Hossner’s Fellbrin's Friar Tuck Of Rob, Mrs. Kummer’s  Falconmoor Bold Ruler, Mr. Prelisauer with Granemore Gleanne, Mr. Pfenning with  Paxon's Penny's Pit and Ballycastle's Royal Crown. From the middle of 80 th came to this the massive import from the Irish Kennel "Louisburgh" into different German kennels: Louisburgh Ring Of Fire, Louisburgh Blucote Bobo and his brother, Louisburgh Souvenir,Louisburgh Canis Castle, Louisburgh Sea Spray, Louisburgh Gadhair Gorm etc.

Very many German kennels - "vom Kerryhaus", "vom HerzogschloЯ Celle", " vom Haus Hossner", "Penny's", "vom Figaro"," of Blue Curacao", "Fitzpatrick", " von der Canis-Burg", "zur Saliergruft", "Montanus" were well-known , just as well as their World Winner Kerries.

Mr. Herbertz finished his article in 1998.and this Year was the turning point for Kerry Breed in  Germany. From the 1 st of April 1998 was neither more allowed to dock the tails nor to show the dogs with the docked tails on the Grmans ring. And from the other side, the obligatory X-Rays examination for all stud dogs has not made the live of German breeders easy.

The stream of good dogs from  USA, England and  Ireland run dry. The blood change and import of new dogs were now only possible with the European neighbour countries, who suffered from the same new rules.

Before we go in "time now" I would like to say a couple of words about shows in  Germany

Bensheim 2010

Bensheim 2009

The International Dog Show (CACIB) takes part one time a month in a different cities. It begins in Nürnberg in Januar and finishes in Kassel in December. Oft there are a hole weekend as double shows together with national show. And the small shows occur almost each weekend. So if you have wishes time and money, you can go to the show 50 time a year. The ring winner, even when he is alone, get  the Certificate  to national champion. In common it is enough to have 5 in three different lands under three different judges. So, we have no problem with German champions.

The most famous German Show are in Sping and Autemn in Dortmund  - “Europasieger” and “Bundeszuchtschau”. Only on the last the dog can get the Qualification for Crufts. The German Club of Terrier Winner Show take place in the last weekend in August in Bensheim.


Penny's Albero & Penny's Ylvie

Penny's Alberto & Bardo Gustav Bensheim 2010 

Penny's Zorbas Bensheim 2009

Nowadays there are 20 Kerry Kennels on the breed board of German Terrier Club. Only 5 of them were mentioned in article of Mr. Herbertz. It seems, as all in live, that we have a change of generations. The German Kerry kennels are presented very well in internet, nevertheless, not all of them have an English version.  

"Pennys „   (www.pennys-kerry-blue.de) Walter Pfenning's is well-known for English readers His Kerries were often the World Winners, BOB, German Club Champions. This kennel is today as well one of the successful and influential Kennel in Germany


Bardos Gustav

Kordes Ostine Isabell

Kordes Ofelia Rose

The best Penny’s Kerries our days came from his last import - Shandon Keven's Blue (CH. Kencot Crystal Light x CH.Dasumianco Miss Perfekt). Her offsprings , two  bitches – Veteran World Winner Penny's Wendy  b. 28.05.2002,  (Louisburg Gadhair Gorm x, Shandon Keven's Blue) and Penny's Ylvie.b. 16.08.2004 (Penni’s Xaver x Shandon Keven's Blue) have been often nominated as Club Winner and BOB. Penny's Zorbas, b. 10.02.2005, (Torum's  Smokey Chishom  x Ch. Penny's Wendy ) is  well –known too on the German Kerry scene. Penny’s Alberto 21.01.2007 (Ch. Penny's Zorbas x Ch. Penny's Ylvie) was a Club Winner in 2010.

In connection with this Kennel it is necessary to mention the name of one famous German handler, Mr. Theo Braun, who has brought many Penny’s Kerries to show success.


Im pressiv Iz Goluboi Legendy

Dandy Black & Blue Darling

Vivien Braudag Benshaiem 2008

"vom Rheinhorst" (www.rheinhorst.de) is as well one of the old Kerry Kennel in Germany, where the breeding of Terrier is one of family traditions.  Urlah Heep vom Rheinhorst  b. 10.02. 2004 (Ch.Clanned The Joker van Daelenbroek x Ch. Pretty Woman vom Rheinhorst) was a Club Winner 2005, her offspring -  Wild Thing vom Rheinhorst, b. 10.05.2009  (Celtic Spirit's Break out x Uriah Heep von Rheinhorst) was the Club Winner in Bensheim in 2010.

Kennels  „Silver Blue King“ (www.Kerry-blue-terrier-homepage.de),  „vom Kerrygarten“ (www.kerrygarten.de), „Zur Saliergruft“ (www.kerry-blue.de)  from Mrs Herbertz article are still alive, nevertheless their dogs appear not oft on the celebrity large shows as in Dortmundor Bensheim.

It is  reasoned to begin to speak about  new generation of German Kerry breeders with the  Kennel „Bardo’s“ (www.kerryblueterrier.de), first of all due to his international success.

Uczi Celtic Go-Ka-Iba- Bensheim 2008

  Badacsonyalja El-Pepone Bensheim 2011

This Kennel has started with the Kerry Blue from “Penny’s” in 1996 and furthermore has imported to  Germany the bitches from  Denmark’s kennel “Kordes”. His last import -  Kordes Ostine Isabell, b. 10.04.2008  (Kordes Touch of Future x Kordes Deep Blue Something was a Young World Winner in Bratislava in 2009. Another famous dog from this Kennel is Bardo’s Gustav b. 03.07.2007 (Kordes Ori Mc Kenna x Ch. Bardo’s Bel Abgel), the owner of many titles.

Kennel “Kordes” is very popular in Germany. In the same time the Kennel  „of Painted Blue“ (www.kerryblue-dubiel.de) has imprter to Germany the sister of Isabell -  Kordes Ofelia Rose b. 10.04.2008  (Kordes Touch of Future x Kordes Deep Blue Something), She was as well very successful on the Germans shows.

Another two bitches Kordes Hot Vanilla b. 20. 07.2006 (Rollick's Wild Venture X Kordes That I Want) und Kordes Moonshine, b. 30.07. 2007 (Rollick's Wild Venture x Kordes Prima Donna) went to  Bavariain Kennels „Easdales“ (www.kerry-blue-terrier-easdales.de) and „Gallant Blue“ (www.gallant-blue.de). The both have been active used in breeding during last years.

Another font for import Kerries to Germany is the Kennel  „Braudag“ in Czech Repubic.

Angel Kiss Braudag, b. 20.08.2008,   (Gellent Hof Darling x Jacqueline Braudag) went in 2008 ins already mentioned „Gallant Blue“ and Vivien Braudag b. 17.03. 2007 (Olido vom Landsberg x Olimpia Braudag) into Frankfurter Kennel „ex Jandra Orta“ (www.kerrybluefrankfurt.de). The another import from this Kennel, this time from Croatia, was the bitch Dandy Black & Blue Darling, b 10.04.2007,  (Dandy Black & Blue Rokoko x Dandy Black & Blue Esperanzer), German Club Winner 2009.

If we are speaking about import to Germany in the alst years, it is necessary to mentioned the Kennel „vom Sioux“ (www.siouxkerry.de) with their two males from Hungary - Badacsonyalja Baro, b. 28.05.2005 (Dinnyesvarosi Bad Boy x Badacsonyalja Uccu) and  Badacsonyalja El-Pepone, b. 06.12.2008 (Badacsonyalja Athos x Badacsonyalja Cindy). They are oft the best in German rings and have been used as a stud males in the Kennels   „Easdales“  and  “The Blue of Hesterberg” www.blue-of-hesterberg.de

 The import statistics shows the dogs from Russia, from the Kennel „Iz Goluboi Legendy“ - Impressiv iz Goluboi Legendy,  b. 10.07.2003, (Beclau Blie Flit x Aua Skif Bellavicenza), Club Winner 2008, now the owner is kennel  „Penny’s“ und  Onatario iz Goluboi Legendy ,b. 28.09.2006 (Shyloch First Edition x Karina iz Goluboi Legendy), “Bundesjugendsieger 2007” in the kennel „Royal Winzent’s“ (www.kerrydog.de)

Another import - Uczi Celtic Go-Ka-Iba, b. 16.04.2006 from Polen (Torum's Smokey Chisholm x Ave Kupidon Sympathia) has been importer by Kennel  „ZurSaliergruft“ (www.kerry-blue.de). and Ellaiz Poliana Setextra b. 29.01.2007 (Shyloch First Edition x Ellaiz Cherry Ainika ) came from Russia via France to the kennel „Royal Winzent’s“.

Royal Wonzent's Bakingham

Loughborough Suite Nougat

Bardo's Joy of Penny's

I would like to mention a couple of names such as Kennels „Von den Mückenstürmern“ (www.kerryblue-terrier.de),  „Celtic Blue vom Klosterberg“ (www.kerryblue-heise.de), „Blue of Hesterberg“(www.blue-of-hesterberg.de) and the old kennel  in Bavaria „Stonebiter’s“. (www.kerry-blue-terrier.de). Pity, that within such little article it is impossible to tell all about their dogs.

Nowadays the Kerries from  Germany do not oft take part in the large international events, The last World Dog Show in Paris shows not bad results of German Kerries. All of third participants have got a places:  Bardo's Joy Of Penny's b. 09.03.2010 (Penny's Zorbas x Kordes Acacia Blossom ) was the third in Young Bitch Class, just as well as lived in Switzerland , but  breeded in German Loughborough Suite Nougat, b.06.10.2009  (Lemrackdream Rainbow George x  Loughborough Dalia) in Intermedia Klasse. Royal Winzent's Bakingem,b. 03.03.2010. (Gellent Hof Gendzhi Darling x Ellaiz Poliana Setextra) was the fourth  in the Young Males Class with  11 Participants.

We hope, that the time changes and the Kerries from Germanywill be famous again in the Kerry World. Kerry fans in Germanyhave the interest and do all their best for the breed.

Tanja & Rainer Sonnenschein

„Loughborough“ www.loukerry.de